So it looks like last night a new iOS 11.0 to 11.2.6 jailbreak was released. Now this is normally something to celebrate but in the manner this one was released tends to be something to worry about.
This jailbreak was released by a new Twitter account that was made just this month. And looks to have no ties to a existing developer in the community. Now in all my time in the jailbreak community it’s very rare a new team just drops a jailbreak out of nowhere. Now that’s not saying it’s not possible. But it’s cause for alarm.
From what I have been reading this jailbreak is just a older version of the Electra jailbreak the 1.1 Version that’s had the Awake_Sync exploit removed and the Mulit_path exploit added. Now you might say well if it works why not use it? Well the main reason is that this could cause problems if you use Electra in the future. With this being a rebundled Version of Electra it will scatter files all over your file system making a clean Jailbreak almost impossible when a proper tool is released. Also making tracking installed files hard to find and remove.
So to answer the question should I use this new Xiaolian jailbreak? The answer is NO. Avoid it at all cost. At this time the jailbreak community looks to have Coolstar at the center of it. With Coolstar driving the Jailbreak bus I am sure we won’t see Electra Work with or support other jailbreaks or devices that’s had other jailbreak tools ran on them. This guess is from past experience as we saw Topanga and LiberiOS detection in Electra. When Electra detected that it had those ran on the device it simply wouldn’t work. Now this is due to Coolstar can’t foresee what the other tool will install and remove it. So it’s left up to the end user to protect their device and prepare it for a jailbreak.
Remember being the first to try a tool or install a half baked jailbreak is never a good thing. It will cause more problems then it’s worth.
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