So I have been posting images of a theme that’s been in the works for some time. I have finally came to a decision on what I will be doing as for price and a release date.
As for release date. I am looking at getting a Gen 1 of the theme out this Monday. I have a 3 day weekend and hope to put some time in and get the theme closer to a “full” theme. I hope that I can accomplish this goal.
Now price, what I will be doing for price is FREE. Yep free. I will have a spot in the settings of your device to send me a PayPal payment if you like the theme and want to donate. But it’s not required to get the theme. “This will also take me some time to build!”
Now the info part, the theme use Anemone bundle IDs to theme the apps. So the theme will work on winterboard but you will need bundle IDs tweak installed from Cydia if using winterboard. “Can’t remember if they updated winterboard to include this feature. Been a while since I used it.” I will also have a spot where you can email me your bundle IDs of apps not themed. Now you will need the app bundle IDs from Cydia to get the IDs and you will be able to email them to me. This does not guarantee that I will theme it. But it will increase the chance of it being themed in a future update.
Now this is a major goal for me. And I really want to release a great free theme for you all to enjoy. And I hope it being free will keep me interested in doing updates for it for you all.
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