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Sorry folks, looks like we’ve been out of the posting game for a little while, but here’s what we have…

According to appleinsider.com, iOS 9.3 will have the capability of adding music from 3rd party apps (such as soundcloud) straight…

Well it looks like Apple wants to really shorten the options when it comes to both being current with updates…

Apple pushed today their iOS 9.2 update. With the rumors about Pangu releasing a jailbreak soon after, it is safe…

Today is the day people can finally get their hands on the iPad Pro, whether preordered or interested in buying…

It’s official: Apple stopped signing iOS 9.0.2 today. What this means is that if you are to restore your phone…

Jailbreakers beware: iOS 9.0.1 is no longer being signed by Apple. If you recently jailbroke your iDevice, it’s best recommended…