So the top Semi-Restore tool called as you can guess Semi-Restore will soon be updated to support iOS 9! This is very big news seeing right now there is currently no way to restore your iOS 9 device and save your jailbreak. Well the wait is over the developer “CoolStar” of program Semi-Restore, and another very big developer that goes by the name AngelXwind on Twitter have came together to make this update possible.
It’s not yet been said when we will see a public release. But I feel it will be soon. CoolStar said on his Twitter the below message.
SemiRestore now works on iOS 9! Website will be updated shortly.
Thanks to @angelXwind for testing!
So Let’s hope we will all be able to restore our devices soon. Because if your like me it’s about time for a clean start on my personal device. So keep your eye on the Semi-Restore site that can be found HERE!
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