So as some of you know we have opened a signing service called Signulous a few months ago. I wanted to let you all know of 2 great screen recording apps that we currently have in the iOS library. Right now the most sought after screen recording apps are PixlRec and Everycode. By making this post you could guess it we have both ready to be signed and installed on your device.
Now as for updates we try very had to keep the content updated. So almost everyday you will see a updated or new app showing up in the library. This is something we try hard to do because apps are constantly changing and some when they change stop the older versions from working. So that means if we didn’t keep on the updates that app would be useless to a end user. Why would we want that? Well we don’t. So at Signulous I try to keep apps as updated as I can. And if by a chance I miss a update all you have to do is say something on Twitter or the help desk and most of the time I get it updated that day.
Yes this is a paid membership per device. And we would love to see you all become members of the Signulous family. We also are constantly working on our service. So if you have any ideas or any features you would like to see added please let us know. This also goes for apps. If you are a developer and want us to host your app or know of a app pulled from the AppStore and want it added let us know. You can also upload custom ipas on Signulous to be signed as well. We also offer the ability to change the bundle IDs of apps. Letting you have multiple versions of that app. Now this does break most PlusPlus apps. So remember that.
We would love to see you all become members so check us out over at Signulous
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