So I was just doing some reading and round a post on the 1.3 update or RetroArch. I stumbled across some good news at the bottom of the post.
RetroArch 1.4 (the next version) will bring RetroArch to two new platforms.
New platforms – tvOS/Windows Phone
There will be a tvOS port, and there will be a Windows Runtime (WinRT) port so that RetroArch can run on Windows Phones among other things. Those are the two big porting endeavors I will be busy with. I hope to get something substantial done by end of February/March, but don’t hold me to that.
So for all of you that have been asking RetroArch will see tvOS. The only problem is how. We know on iOS the cores have to be signed and we hope that this is not the case for tvOS.
We will keep out ear to the ground for more info on the topic. If you want to read up on it the post can be found here.
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