So Pangu has pushed a update of their untethered jailbreak to Cydia. This update is to help combat the Boot Loop Of Death “BLOD”. This is when you reboot your device it could possibly lock up for 10 minutes or never boot and lead to you restoring your device. The Cydia depiction is below.
Note: Upgrading this package will require a reboot. Since iOS 8, if you upgrade Cydia at the same time as installing a package that asks for a reboot, Cydia might get killed, and you might fail to be asked to perform the reboot. We recommend upgrading manually if this happens.
Version 1.1 of this package improves the success rate and reliability of the bootup process on 64-bit devices, as well as correcting an issue that led to a failure to use the instrument functions of Xcode.
Please also note that rebooting can surface other problems unrelated to the untether or Cydia. For example, having incompatible tweaks installed can cause problems upon rebooting.
So make sure you update ASAP!
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