So it looks like we will soon see a iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak. The team Pangu has Tweeted the below tweet.
We are going to release Pangu jailbreak tool for iOS 9.2 – 9.3.3 very soon. Please check its website at pangu.io and be patient. Thanks all
The do have a English version of the site that can be found here! So after viewing the page and reading a bit. It’s a strong possibility that the jailbreak could be Semi-Tethered. This means that after a reboot you will need a computer to run a booting program to get tweaks and jailbreak required apps to work again.
Now if your on a firmware that is jailbreakable or currently have a jailbreak I would not update just yet. Just until it’s clear if it’s Untethered or Semitethered.
So make sure to keep to Twitter for more release information. We will surely be covering it. Most likely with a YouTube video.
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