So with the unlimtones app being kinda dead users are looking for the next right tone app. Well it looks like we have a answer well kinda.
Yesterday a app call Easy Ringtone was uploaded to Cydia. Now what this app does is let you download YouTube videos and rip the audio from them. Then turn that audio into a ringtone. Another plus is you can use any sound from any site it says in the description. But I have only tried with YouTube. Now the negative part of this app is it wants you to use iTunes to add the ringtones to the ringtone folder. No one wants to have to hook their device up to iTunes to have to get ringtones. That’s why unlimtones was such a big app. So we messaged the developer and asked him to add a add to ringtones button. Her replied with this.
Hi Pete,
I will fix it a.s.a.p and release a new version.
Regards,Kobi Snir
So let’s hope they add that feature and get a update out to us. If so this will become a staple app for sure.
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