Most users have been begging for a jailbreak for week months even. And we have yet to see anything. But it looks like now Apple has taken a big step in the cat and mouse game. According to ModMyi Apple has patched a major exploit that was being used in the next jailbreak that was rumored to be made by Pangu.
The last little bit it’s been looking like Apple is trying to tighten up the iOS firmware and get rid of bugs or possible bugs. In my personal opinion I will be updating all my devices that are not currently jailbroken to iOS 9.2.1 in hopes that will be the next firmware to have a jailbreak. But any more tricks like this on Apples side definitely could postpone a jailbreak release even longer. But this is all just speculation right now. Nothing has been stated by eaither team Pangu or TaiG. So all we can do right now is keep our ears to the ground and hope we see a jailbreak soon.
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