So the team 3K Assistant has released a statement that was on a Chinese microblogging site Weibo. The Weibo post was shortly pulled after it was posted. Most of you know the name 3K Assistant as a partner of TaiG. 3K Assistant is the box that you every one is told to uncheck when using the TaiG jailbreak. Even though the post was deleted it can still be found. We have translated it for you using Google Translate.
IOS9.2 official version has been released from the past eight days , and in eight days , 3K assistant has been for iOS9.2 jailbreak hard struggle . The effort is rewarding , after eight days of struggle , 3K assistant on iOS9.2 official version finally a breakthrough .
Although still not completely escape iOS9.2, but I believe that in the near future. iOS9.2 jailbreak will appear in everyone’s eyes , please inmates patiently looking forward to it.
This is a bit hard to read but what I take from this text is they state that 3K Assistant is working on 9.2. And that they are still working on the jailbreak but it’s very close. It was rumored that we would have a jailbreak by Christmas. With that being 4 days a way it is kinda hard to believe. But right now there is no solid ETA that has been stated by TaiG or Pangu.
So all we can do is wait and see. What do you think? Will TaiG or Pangu deliver us a iOS 9.1 to 9.2 jailbreak for Christmas? We can only hope!
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