I am so tired of hearing people say that jailbreaking is dead. iOS 12 has had some difficulty getting a proper jailbreak in the beginning stages. Pwn20wnd and Sam Binger have proved over and over that it is most defiantly alive. Just because we don’t see an immediate release when iOS 12 first dropped doesn’t mean Jailbreaking is dead. Things are much more complicated as iOS versions progress. There are so many devs that contribute to this jailbreak scene, from tweaks to themes I must say thank you,
Ian Beer, Saurik, Pwn20wnd, Sam Binger, Junesiphone, Jakeashacks, PoomSmart, GeoSn0w, Stickytron, qwertyoruiop, Orangebannaspy, iKilledAppl3, CreatureSurvive, Foxfort Mobile, Limneos, Andrew Wiik, Ivano Bilenchi, rPetritch, Shuga, Spark Dev, Chronic Dev, Joshua Hill, Comex, Skitty, Umang R, Midnight Chips, Foxlet Fox, iBSparkes, stek29, boots, Morpheus, Siguza, Xerub the Arm64 pornstar, Jonathan Seals, Alitek12, tihmstar, SorryMyBad, etc….
Sorry if I missed your name these are devs I follow on twitter in no special order.
Each one of these people have contributed so much to the jailbreak community and still do. Jailbreaking is not dead at all. It’s moving to a new era, as new developers push us through. The iOS 5/6 glory days are long gone, however iOS 12 brings new hope. Let us try to be more positive about the future of Jailbreaking. We all want device freedom right? I still get the same rush when I open Cydia on iOS 12. What do you think? Is Jailbreaking dead?

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