Few Days After XcodeGhost!

So it’s been a few days since we saw the XcodeGhost come to light. Most of you know that the jailbreak team Pangu released a tool to scan your device, and make sure it’s clean. It can be found HERE. This tool is still important to keep installed, even though Apple has removed all infected apps. The tools is very simple to run. 

>Tap the blue button that reads “立即下载”

>Tap “Install” when prompted

>Add trusted access to Pangu’s tool by going into Settings > General > Profiles and then select “Shenzhen Avaintel Technology”, and tap on “Trust”

>Go back to the home screen and launch Pangu’s app, then hit the blue button that reads “点击检测Xcode病毒”

Something that people that pirate apps need to look out for is downloading pirated versions of the removed apps. That app could still be infected. So it’s best to not pirate apps, or keep the Pangu tool installed so you can keep checking your devices security. 
