When I think of Jailbreaking I think of having the freedom to have my device do what I want it to do. Having the ability to change something about it that I might not like. Today looks like we have yet another Jailbreak staple tweak that I think if your Jailbroken it should be installed on your device.
The tweak Malipo is in Cydia on the Packix repo. This repo if on the Electrified Version of Cydia is a default repo. So you can find this tweak by searching Malipo in the Cydia search. Now this tweak is by iKilledAppl3 this is someone that’s made quite a few tweaks in the past.
To use this tweak just install it and go into settings. You will find the Malipo settings bundle has been added to the section that has all your Cydia tweaks. Now simply click Enable tweak and select a tone. It comes with a few tones installed. I am sure that more will be added and that people will be adding more to Cydia repos shortly. Personally am a fan of the Mario coin tone. After you select your tone click respring and you are done. You will now have a custom charging tone when you plug your device in power.
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