Another tweak that will let you customize your device just that much more is now in Cydia. This tweak is…

We don’t usually cover stories on the insanelyi repo. But I was looking around for a ios 9 font and…

I just saw this tweak and thought I would share it with you all. It’s called ConversationPics. The tweak is…

I have been seeing a few posts that Apple is rumored to have a touch remote with the new Apple…

Do you like to make your device do things that other devices can’t? Or maybe you like to have a…

We have been using this theme for close to 3 weeks as a beta. And I can tell you that…

Looks like the guys at NextGenUI have been hard at work to bring us the next step in evolution for…

Looks like a classic tweak that everyone has been waiting for is now here. Coolstar has finally released ClassicFolders. This…