Just saw this cool app in Cydia called BundleID’s. What it does is let’s you get the bundle id to…
Just saw this Pebble WatchFace made after the old video game Doom. And if you are a Doom fan from…
We have just found this new tweak called Custom Folder Icons in Cydia. What this tweak does is replaces the…
We are working had to get this theme done. The name of this theme is Mythos. It is made by…
Just saw this in Cydia and thought all you PanGu jailbreak fans might want to get it.
Do you see devs posting crazy looking images of their screenshots on devices? Ones where the device is turned 3/4…
If you all remember back a month or so XPPrem was taking donations for his White Icon Collection. We contacted…
We just added some custom sliders to the repo for the tweak Better Power Down. So if you don’t have…