We where told by several users that to fix TaiG getting held up at 20% that you need to downgrade…

If your already jailbroken it’s best to hold off on today’s jailbreak for 8.1 to 8.3 released by TaiG. A…

It has been sometime since we have seen a jailbreak. And it’s starting to look like we could not see…

Looks like with the release of TaiGs jailbreak tool last week Apple has decide that they don’t want a beta…

It looks like The TaiG jailbreak team has pushed a pointless update for their TaiG jailbreak to support IOS 8.2…

Looks like TaIG has pushed a update for the TaiG jailbreak to support the new iTunes 12.1 (by downloading a…

***UPDATE*** Apple has patched the TaiG jailbreak stay away. Says so here on the About the security content of iOS…

There is still a few users that have been waiting for a IOS 8 jailbreak for Mac OS X to…