So with the unlimtones app being kinda dead users are looking for the next right tone app. Well it looks…

Today we see a update for Cydia Substrate to help support on the new Pangu Jailbreak. You need to do…

So the over night hit game PokemonGO has a update in the AppStore version 1.0.1. Now this is not a…

So with the big hype over Pokemon GO I personally have never been a big Pokemon fan. But I thought…

So with the release of iOS 10 I personally have been looking at updating my personal device from iOS 9.1…

So the top Semi-Restore tool called as you can guess Semi-Restore will soon be updated to support iOS 9! This…

Just saw this cool tweak in Cydia and thought I would share it with you all. It’s called Marquee, what…