Ios 8.4 is no longer being signed by Apple. So if you need to restore your device you will have…

Well from what I read the Auxo3 source code was leaked and from that we could now see more Auxo…

Today we have spent the better part of the day working on a new tweak called CyPatch for Cydia. This…

We have added the update for our app to the repo. It now has a pull to refresh on all…

A developer by the name Tony Kraft has sent us a tweak called PandoraPro. What this tweak does is gives Pandora…

Our site and repo is now back up and running. Nothing has changed all links are the same. We are…

We are happy to say that we have finally updated our app to support the new devices and ios 8….

I have put close to a week into this tweak for Instagram. And hope you all enjoy it. The features…