Category Archives: Cydia
SnapNight Tweak Added To Cydia!

With the current Electra Jailbreak being released looks like we could see more and more new tweaks showing their faces…

FullScreenX Available In Cydia!

So it looks like with the release of CoolStar’s Electra Jailbreak that now includes Cydia we will start to see…

2017 WWDC Starts Monday! Expected iOS 11 Beta Install It Using Signulous. 

Just wanted to make sure everyone knows that Monday starts the 2017 WWDC! Rumors have it that we will see…

IV System In PokémonGO++ For Sideloading Most Likely Not To Come Back!

There was a recent post on the Poke2++ Reddit talking about the IV feature and it suddenly missing from the tweak/app….

Signing Service Sale! 2$ Off

I just wanted to inform you all that a signing service we own is having a sales. You can…

Screen Recording Apps On Signulous! Everycord and PixlRec!

So as some of you know we have opened a signing service called Signulous a few months ago. I wanted to…

Jailbreak Released By Luca Todesco Very Beta!!

So most of you have been looking for a jailbreak for iOS 10. Well looks like we have a very…

Login Tweak Review! “Not A Fan”

So they hype on the tweak Login had me somewhat interested in this tweak. Now remember this is just my…

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