Has anyone had trouble syncing custom ringtones on Catalina Beta…? I have tried so many times to sync my ringtones….

Just wanted to make sure everyone knows that Monday starts the 2017 WWDC! Rumors have it that we will see…

There was a recent post on the Poke2++ Reddit talking about the IV feature and it suddenly missing from the tweak/app….

So if you have yet to see the video downloader Black.hole you need to hurry to the AppStore and get…

I just wanted to inform you all that Signulous.com a signing service we own is having a sales. You can…

So most of you might have noticed that the IVs button is gone from PokémonGO++. This was something that I…

So as some of you know we have opened a signing service called Signulous a few months ago. I wanted to…

So after finally seeing the red iphone 7 personally I feel Apple might have dropped the ball on this one….