It looks like a very cool tweak has hit Cydia today by the name of Aoraki. From first look this tweak could be a little intimidating just by the amount of things that can be done with it. What this tweak adds to your device is a virtual “home button” in a since. And when clicked it brings a popup with a massive amount of selections.
So let’s start with the pros of this tweak. You can send iMessages, emails, tweets from anywhere on your device without leaving the app. This tweak will even let you Respring, reboot, and clean UI cache with a simple click.
Now the cons for me it would be the virtual “home button” I am not a fan of having a standard button on the home screen. That most of the time is in my way when I am trying to do something. I would love to see this added to the control center. So a simple swipe up and boom massive menu selections to choose from.
This tweak is only $1.99 and that’s not a bad price for the amount of stuff this tweak does. So get over to Cydia and give Aoraki a look.
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