Well it’s been a few days since the TaiG jailbreak came out and with the update of TaiG today. I thought I would update my personal iPhone to 8.3 seeing I was on 8.1 and have not had a restore done on my device in sometime. Note I have iTunes installed on my personal laptop. Not saying that’s what you have to have. Just telling you what I have.
Let’s start with this has definitely been one of my funniest jailbreaks I have had in a long time. It started with having to run the TaiG tool 6 times to get it to succeed. I got errors from 1000, 1001, locking up at 20%, 40%, and 60%. After that my jailbreak finally succeeded. For most errors I simply unplugged my device rebooted it and started over. Also note that a lot of tweaks don’t work fully. So install one at a time to make sure you don’t enter safe mode.
So personally if your going to update your device I say the new TaiG jailbreak is not a bad tool to use even if it’s your first time jailbreaking. Just remember if it fails try again and you can always restore and rejailbreak till Apple stops signing iOS 8.3.
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